different ways to learn about scenario planning — and apply it to your future

The future is going to be different. We all agree on that, don’t we? But how is it going to be different? That’s the critical question — and one I can help you understand. Here’s how:


Together, we generate a portfolio of future scenarios that your organization may realistically face in the future. I can lead these workshops in person or online — either way, they’re focused and intensive.

master classes

Invite me to your offices to teach your leadership team the process. Or attend one of my online sessions. I’ll explain why it’s an absolute must to adopt scenario thinking — and then I’ll show you how it’s done. Takes 2 hours.


Teach yourself the technique of scenario planning by taking this extensive Udemy course which I developed to teach you how to craft scenarios specifically for your company, your industry, or your entire country.

private briefing

This exclusive one-on-one session aims not only to teach you what you need to know about the process, but to construct a basic framework of scenarios together.

my first book

Scenario Planning: A Field Guide to the Future not only explains the why’s and wherefore’s of this vital strategic tool, but walks you through the process. Download chapter 1 at the link!

See Your New Normal
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my latest guidebooKS

See Your New Normal was published during the heart of the COVID crisis, focusing on foreseeing your post-pandemic terrain. I also published two practical handbooks to help professionals in specific sectors visualize how their future landscape could change: Higher Education 2030 and Wealth Management 2030. You can download all of these books directly from this site.